2011 Recognition and Awards Banquet

2011 Recognition and Awards Banquet

Bucks County’s youngest Fire Company, the Upper Makefield Fire Company, held its annual Recognition and Awards Banquet on Saturday April 16th, 2011 at the Cock ‘n Bull Restaurant in Peddlers Village, Lahaska. The Fire Company was chartered in 1967 and celebrated its 43rdbirthday this past December. This year’s banquet was attended by 90 volunteer members and invited guests who enjoyed a good meal, awards program and dancing.

The program began with service awards for members who had reached milestone years of service in the Upper Makefield Fire Company. Members with five years of service were: Justin Brewer, Matt DePledge, Luke DePledge, Joe Dicken, Marc Durant and Brian Salt. Vice President Bart Krauss was recognized for 20 years of service; Harold “Howie” Range was recognized for twenty-five years of service which conveys life membership to the department. Deputy Chief Tim Brewer was recognized for thirty years; Secretary Peter Cheyney for thirty five years and former Chief Officer, Edward Copper Sr. was recognized for forty years of service.

Crossing Boat Drill

Crossing Boat Drill

On Sunday December 4th, 2011 the UMFC Marine Unit participated with the Washington Crossing Friends Group and The PHMC in their annual Crossing Boat Drill.  The UMFC Marine Crew member was asked to be a victim so the Revolutionary Re-Enactors could practice their...
Santa Parade & Food Collection

Santa Parade & Food Collection

On Sunday December 18th, 2011, UMFC held their annual Santa Parade and Food Collection. UMFC took Santa through a majority of Upper Makefield Township and then returned to the Firehouse for Pictures. Santa was assisted at the Food Collection by Upper Makefield...
Station 81

Station 81

Upper Makefield Fire Company – Station 81
Station 71

Station 71

Upper Makefield Fire Company – Station 71